My Latest Projects

As some of you may know, I’ve returned (involuntarily, but now happily) to working for/running the Dombrower Corporation as an independent Consultant, Developer, Creative Director, Product Designer, Freelance Web Executive, whatever. I’m having a great time and get to work my own hours and spend lots of time with my kids.

When I left IAC (see Projects History Page to see what I was doing there) in December, a dear friend pointed out there was no baseball simulator for the iPhone. So, both as a labor of love as well as a much needed catharsis, I spent 4 months porting the Earl Weaver Baseball II engine over to the iPhone as EWB BASEBALL.

EWB Baseball for iPhone

EWB Baseball for iPhone

Also, I feel very fortunate that several start ups have reached out to me for my help, advice and, in some cases, time. Currently, I’m helping out at Big Green Company

Charlie, the Big Green Rabbit

Charlie, the Big Green Rabbit

(the makers of Big Green Rabbit which can be seen country-wide on PBS or on the web) and several other Boulder-based companies.

2 Responses to “My Latest Projects”

  1. […] Weaver was a big success, and, in fact, after a long hiatus, its creator has been working on an EWB app for the i-phone. (Not sure if that’s out there yet, […]

  2. Beau Ellis says:


    I’m a huge fan of the classic EWB and am excited to see an iOS app. First of all, thank you for doing this. I saw several reviews on the App Store that raised issues regarding the app’s performance. I was wondering if they’d been addressed (before I spend $8). Thanks again.

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